Data Governance is the exercise of decision-making and authority for data-related matters.​
More specifically, Data Governance is a “system of decision rights and accountabilities for information related processes, executed according to agreed-upon models which describe who can take what actions with what information, and when, under what circumstances, using what methods.”

Focus area for Data Governance program are the following disciplines:

  1. Data Governance and Stewardship
    a) Executives provided commitment on implementation and support for the Data Governance activities.
    b) Executives and BLT recognized and appoint members for Data Governance Council and formalize their important role on the program.
    c) Identify and recognize Data Stewards as functional data experts. Formalize responsibilities, train and support Data Stewards activities.
    *See a list of DGC Members
    *See a list of Data Stewards
  2. Data Quality Management
    a) Clear understanding of business standards for core pieces of data to be able to differentiate high from low quality. Thus, having a formal means of managing the data issues by creating issues log, putting values to the issues, prioritizing the issues and solution tracking.
    *See the current list of Open Projects  .​
  3. Metadata Management
    a) Implementing one source of truth to streamline data definition (Business Glossary and Data dictionary), such as what is a gift versus what is recognition credit. Including definition on where the data resides, who have access on which level of data, who have the authority to approve changes on the data, which database table, interfaces etc.
  4. Data Compliance and Regulatory Control
    a)Data Governance Council to be educated with compliance and regulatory concerns around the data we collect, use and share as part of making decisions and doing business. Putting in place monitoring and review of current processes to ensure safe guarding the high risk data. Examples of data related regulations/law/act: GDPR , HIPPA, PCI etc.​
    * View the Data Inventory List (including systems other than CADENCE)