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BBIS - SUPPORT FOR Online TransactioNS

Blackbaud Internet Solutions (BBIS) is the web content management interface linked to Blackbaud's CRM (CADENCE).
There are two 'sites' (sections) configured:
(1) My CU Connections - the public (including alumni and donors) transactional site:
(2) The Development Intranet - for CADENCE users (includes internal process documents, policies, email functions, etc.)



  • The public (including alumni and donors) do not have to create a BBIS registration to make an online gift.
    However, if users want to view their giving history or make changes to their data in CADENCE, a free account is required.
  • IT provides support (not content) for over 100 targeted donation forms (with specific fund/s pre-filled into the designation field).
  • IT liases support for two forms customized by Zuri:
       a).  The Clemson University Advanced Donation Form (CUADF) which includes a search engine for searching all designations available online:
       b). The Premium Donation Form (PDF): which includes options to purchase  Clemson exclusive merchandise along with a donation.


  • Registered/linked constituents can update their personal information here: Bio and Contact Updates
    (Data is transferred in batch to CADENCE under Records Management review).


TIP: Forgotten Password: 
For security reasons IT Team can no longer update passwords FOR users.
Please click on the "Forgotten Password" link on the Log-In page. Clear your Browser Cache prior to resetting your password. If you still have log-in issues, please submit a DarHelp Ticket, list BBIS under Category, and detail your issue.


  • Event Coordinators can request an Event Registration Form to be added to the public BBIS website.
  • IT Team creates the empty page and URL, then the Event Coordinator is responsible for creating/managing the event in CADENCE and editing the content on the public webpage.
  • At this time, only free, non-presidental events are available for online BBIS RSVP. See the Documentation Library for more process documents.