Self-Service Station

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Smartsheet is a software as a service offering for collaboration and work management, developed and marketed by Smartsheet Inc. It is used to assign tasks, track project progress, manage calendars, share documents, and manage other work, using a tabular user interface.


  • Most employees can do what they need to do in smartsheets without a full license. Detailed reasons for requiring a license is below.
  • Access is granted when supervisors request it at onboarding.

Licensed vs Free User

Your user type designates what you can and can't do with your Smartsheet account. Note that your user type is NOT related to the access you have in sheets. Your sharing permission level (View, Editor, or Admin) designates what you can and can't do within a sheet and may vary from sheet to sheet.

Licensed User Free User

If you are participating in a 30-day free trial, you are also considered a licensed user.

Capabilities that involve creating, owning, administering, or driving a process, program, or project in Smartsheet require a paid license. For example, a license is required to do the following:


  • Create and own sheets and templates
    • The number of sheets that you can create will depend on your plan type.
  • Create, own, and manage reports
  • Create workspaces
  • Publish sheets, reports, and dashboards
  • Insert and delete columns*
  • Change column properties*
  • Hide/unhide columns*
  • Create and modify forms*
  • Lock columns and rows*
  • Create and edit update requests, automated actions, and workflows
  • Create sheet-level reminders, and row reminders for other users
  • Request backups of sheets
  • Obtain Resource Viewer or Group Admin access on an Enterprise or Business account
  • View Activity Log
  • Create, delete, and edit shared filters
  • Create conditional formatting rules
  • Send rows
  • Edit project settings

* These activities require Owner- or Admin-level sharing permissions to the sheet.

Free users (Unlicensed Users and Free Collaborators) are important participants in collaboarting on the work you manage in Smartsheet. Free users can view, edit, and update sheets and reports within the platform. (Creating, owning, administering, or driving a process, program, or project in Smartsheet requires a paid license.)

If a free user is shared to a sheet as an Admin, they won't be able to create and manage forms on the sheet or insert, rename, delete, hide/unhide, move or change the properties of columns. These features are only available to the sheet owner and licensed users with Admin sharing permissions.


Unlicensed User

Unlicensed users are part of a Business or Enterprise account but aren't able to create or own sheets. An unlicensed user doesn't count against the user limit of the account.

Resource Viewers can track tasks assigned to these users, and System Admins can manage their accounts as described above. Unlicensed users can access shared sheets as Views (read-only), Editors (edit cell data), or Admins (manage the sheet), and can even re-share them depending on the sharing access level they were assigned.

To add an unlicensed user to a Business or Enterprise account, uncheck the License User box when sending the invitation. Learn more about Manage Users in an Enterprise or Business Plan.


Free Collaborator

Free collaborators can be shared on any amount of sheets, but they can't create their own. They can access shared sheets as Viewers (read-only), Editors (edit cell data), or Admins (manage the sheet), and can even re-share them depending on the sharind access level they were assigned.